هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.
التبادل الاعلاني
احداث منتدى مجاني

مراجعة نهائية لغة انجليزية للصف الاول الثانوى

اذهب الى الأسفل

مراجعة نهائية لغة انجليزية للصف الاول الثانوى Empty مراجعة نهائية لغة انجليزية للصف الاول الثانوى

مُساهمة من طرف أ / محمد ابراهيم الخميس ديسمبر 24, 2009 5:09 pm

How to make a question كيفيــة تكويــن السـؤال

أولاً : اذا بدأت الجملة بـ :-
Yes/ No/ Of course/ Well / Sure / I’m afraid / Ok
 ويكون السؤال هنا بفعل مساعد أو ناقص بمعنى ( هــل ..... ؟ ) ونتبع الأتي :-
 1- تحذف No , Yes أو أي من الكلمات السابقة إن وجدت.
 2- نقدم الفعل المساعد أو الناقص علي الفاعل ويكون شكل السؤال كالتالي :-

? ........... تكملة + فعل أساسي + فاعل + فعل مساعد

 الأفعال المساعدة والناقصة هي :

(am / is / are / was / were ) ( have / has / had) (can / could / shall
should / will / would / may / might / must / ought to / had to)

 لاحظ التحويلات الآتية عند السؤال او الاجابة :-

Question you your are you were you …?
Answer I - we my – our I'm/ we are I was/ we were

إذا لم تجد بالجملة فعلاً مساعداًً أو ناقصاً عليك باتباع الآتي :-
 1- إذا كان فعل الجملة مضارع به ( s ) نستخدم does )) .
 2- إذا كان فعل الجملة مضارع بدون ( s ) نستخدم ( do ) .
 3- إذا كان فعل الجملة ماضى نستخدم ((did .
ثانيا: إذا لم تبدأ الجملة بـ ) (Yes ,No ,Of courseأو ما سبق نستخدم أداة الاستفهام كالآتي :-

How long have you been studying English ?
أداة استفهام فعل مساعد فاعل فعل أساسي تكملة الجملة

دوات الاستفهام

What ما / ماذا Whose لمن / ملك من ( للملكية )
When متى للوقت How كيف
Where أين للمكان How many كم للعدد
Who من للفاعل العاقل How much كم للكمية/للسعر
Whom من للمفعول العاقل How often كم ( لعدد المرات)
Which أي / أيهما How many times كم ( لعدد المرات)
Why لماذا ( للسبب) How far كم ( لبعد المسافة)
What time ماالوقت How long كم ( للمدة / الطول)
What size ما المقاس How fast كم ( للسرعة)
What colour ما لون How deep كم ( للعمق)
What kind / sort ما نوع How high كم ( للارتفاع)

Dialogues ( Questions , Answers & Expressions)

أسئلة وإجابات وتعبيرات شائعة فى المحادثات

 Can I help you , sir ? أي خدمة
- How long have you been working as ? منذ متي وأنت تعمل كــ
- Where did you work , before ? أين عملت من قبل
- What’s wrong with you ? ماذا بك
 How long will you stay ? كم ستقضى من الوقت
 Is this your first visit to Egypt ? أهي زيارتك الأولي لمصر
 When does the train leave / arrive? متي ( يغادر / يصل ) القطار
 Where do you come from ? من أي بلد أنت
 How did you find Egypt ? ما رأيك في مصر
 Did you enjoy your stay / flight ? بإقامتك/ برحلتك هل استمتعت
 I wish you a pleasant stay / journey . أتمنى لك إقامة / رحلة ممتعة
 Have a nice stay / trip . أتمنى لك إقامة / رحلة سعيدة
 Can I help you ? أي خدمة
 What's your size ? ما مقاسك
 What colour do you prefer? ما اللون الذي تفضله
 How much is it / does it cost ? كم الثمن
 What’s the weather like ? ما حالة الطقس
 Have you ever + p.p ( seen / met ) ? .....هل سبق لك أن
What’s your favourite (sport/subject ) ? السؤال عن الشىء المفضل
 What would you like to be ? ماذا تود أن تكون
How often do you …….? للسؤال عن عدد المرات
 Which do you prefer ……. or……? أيهما تفضل
 I wish you speedy recovery . أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل
 It doesn’t matter/ Never mind. لا يهم
 Many happy returns. كل سنة وأنت طيب ( عقبال 100 سنة )

1- Amir is telling his teacher about one of his close friends.
Teacher :Hello, Amir. Do you have any close friends?
Amir : ……………………. ……(1)…….............................
Teacher : How long have you known him?
Amir : .......................................(2).....................................
Teacher : I see. What do you do together?
Amir : .......................................(3).....................................
Teacher : ......................................(4)....................................?
Amir : No, I'm good at maths. He's good at science .
1-Yes of course 2- For long time/ years
3- We study and play 4-Are you similar at everything?

2- Hani and Tamer are talking about public transport.
Hani : I have a long bus ride every morning to my work.
Tamer :…………………….(1).........................................?.
Hani : I don't have the money for a car and I don't want to drive.
Tamer : Neither do I, and I think we have a duty to use
public transport .
Hani : .......(2)............................If everyone used public transport,
there would be less pollution.
Tamer : Yes, and if everyone used public transport,...........(3).............
Hani : Are there any disadvantages to public transport ?
Tamer : Yes, ......................(4).....................................
1- Why don’t you buy acar ? 2- That’s right
3- There wouldn’t be traffic jam . 4- They are crowded and a bit slow .
السؤال الثانى فى ورقة الامتحان المواقف ( (Situations

1-You meet someone for the first time / you haven’t met before.
How do you do? تشرفنا
2- You introduce someone to your family.
 This is my friend … …
3- Someone is introduced to you.
 I'm pleased to meet you
4- You ask about someone's health.
 How are you feeling ?
5- Someone asks about your health.
 I'm very well. a lot better thanks
6- You want to(use) your friend's mobile/cassette /dictionary
 Can / may I use / borrow…….. your (الشيء) ……….?
 Do you mind if I use / borrow ………. Your (الشيء)………?
7- Some one wants to (use/take borrow) your ( الشيء) and you (agree/give permission / don't mind
 Here you are – yes of course
8- Someone wants to (use) your الشيء but you (refuse / need it)
 Sorry , I need it my self
9- Someone says Do you mind if I (مصدر) …………..?
 No, not at all
10- You suggest (going to swim, watching TV ………. ect..
 why don't we + المصدر....?
 How – what about ....... V+ ing لما لانفعل كذا...?
11-Your friend suggests (شيء) and you agree accept / like the idea.
 great idea فكرة رائعة
12-Your friend suggests...but you are busy, don't like the idea.
 I'm not very keen
13-Your friend got married, had a baby passed exam/won a prize, bought new thing .
 Congratulation
14-Your friend failed the exam/had an accident/was ill/his ….died
 I 'm sorry to hear this bad news
15-You broke your friends pen- lost his watch you came late
 I'm very sorry
16- You ask someone his opinion about .......................
 What do you think of........?
17-someone asks about your opinion of .....
I think ......../ in my opinion........
18-You ask someone about .......................
Could you tell me something about.........?
19- You ask for someone's advice about ................
 What do you think I should do about........?
20- You advise your friend .....................................
You should + المصدر /If I were you , I would + المصدر
21- You invite your friend to .................
 I 'd like to invite you to ..............
22- Someone ivites you to ......... you are busy
 Sorry, I'm very busy .
23-Someone ivites you to ......... you agree / like the idea
 Thanks.I'd love to .
24- You ask about the way to .....................
 Could you tell me the way to ........, please..?
25- You want to know some information about.....................
 Could you tell me some information about…...?
26- Agreeing and disagreeing الموافقة وعدم والموافقة
I agree with you أوافق- أعتقد ذلك I disagree with you. لا أوافق
27– Introducing people تقديم الناس
This is my friend + الاسم
Pleased to meet تشرفنا
28– On the phone تعبيرات التليفون
May I speak to ( الشخص) , please ? هل يمكنني أن أكلم ....
29–Surprise الدهشة
What a surprise ! يا للمفاجأة
30–Boredom الملـــل
That’s very boring . إنه شيء ممل
31– Regret النـــــدم
I wish I hadn’t done that . أتمني لو أنني لم أفعل ذلك
32– Worry القـــلق
I’m really worried about…………

 What would you say in the following situations (4 Marks
1-You are going to have lunch but your brother hasn't washed his hands yet.
 You should wash your hands before meals.
2- Your uncle is going on holiday in Britain , you want to remind him which side of the road to drive on while he is there .
you must drive on the left side of the road
3- You hear some people criticizing a friend's homework , you think the homework is quite good .
 I think the homework is quite good.
4-You have told your friend something that is untrue, you feel ashamed .
I'm sorry , I shouldn't have told you that .
5- The sky has suddenly gone dark .
I think it is going to rain
6- You have just read The Old Man and the Sea. Someone asks your opinion about the story.
 It is very interesting.
7- A friend asks about your holiday plans for next summer.
 I'm going to spend a month in Turkey / sharm / London
8- Someone asks about your age on your next birthday .
 I will be seventeen
9-You visit a sick friend in hospital .
 I wish you speedy recovery.
10-You met a tourist at the pyramids; you asked him about his visit to Egypt.
 How did you find Egypt ?
11-Your brother played much and did badly in his English exam.You
blame him.
 You should not have played much .
12- A passerby wants to go to the train station. You give him directions.
You can go along this street then turn right.
13- You want to buy a new T-shirt. You ask the salesman for the price.
How much is this T-shirt ?
14 -Your cousin wants to know if you have any pen friends and how you communicate with them.
I have a pen friend I always send him e-mails.
15-Your grandfather admires Abu-Heif. You want to know why.
 Why do you admire Abu-Heif most ? .
16 -Your friend is ill and needs to see a doctor.
You can go to hospital or a clinc
17- A friend of yours asks you what you know about Neil Armstrong.
He is the first astronaut who landed on the moon.
18-Your friend asks for some advice on how to study.
If I were you I would study seven hours a day.
19-You are invited to dinner at a big restaurant,but you refuse politely.
I m so sorry ,I‘m busy studying.
20-A friend raises chickens,he wants to know how to prevent getting bird flu.
.You must not touch infected birds .
21-You are visiting someone in hospital and see another visitor smoking.
 You must not smoke.
22- One of your friends is getting too fat. He is asking for your advice.
 You should do some exercises and eat a little.
23- You are introducing your friend Sami to your friend.
 This my friend Sami.
24- You seem worried about passing the exam.
 I’m worried about passing the exam.
25- You don't know the meaning of some difficult word.
 Could you tell me themeaning of this word , please ?
26-Your friend Ahmed got high marks.
 congratulation
27- You want to borrow your friend's camera.
 May I borrow your camera, please ?
28- You suggest going to Alex to spend the summer holiday.
 What/ How about going to Alex to spend the summer holiday.
29-You are seeing your pen-friend off at the airport.
 I wish you a pleasant flight.
30-You are visiting your uncle and it is getting late.
 I have to leave now.
31– You want to ask about someone birthdate.
When were you born.
32-You ask about the weather today.
 How is the weather like today ?
33- One of your friends doesn't feel well
 You should see a doctor .
34- You tell your friend about some qualities of your best friend.
 My friend is helpful, kind and patient .
35- You ask your father to allow you to go on a picnic.
 May I go on a picnic with my friends ?
36- You advise a friend to keep healthy.
 You should eat less and do more exercises.
37- Your brother has turned on the radio loudly .
 Please turn the radio down.
38- You warn your younger brother of playing with knives.
You mustn’t play with knives
39- someone is speaking quickly. You can't hear him.

السؤال الثالث فى ورقة الامتحان الاختيارى ( (choose

 Choose the correct answer from a,b,or c
1- My brother …………a lot of money from his job as a pilot
a-pays b-earns c- costs d- gives
2-Before his shows starts,the man …….himself to everyone who comes in .
a-says b- introduces c- names d- remembers
3- If I ……….a camera , I would take a photo of the family party
a- had b- have c- has d- would have
4- If you…………very fast , you will catch your train
a- ran b- running c- runs d- run
5- My brother ………a goal in a school football match yesterday
a- played b-scored c- won d- received
6- If I felt tired , I'd go to bed……………….
a- early b- today c- later d- before

7- Someone who studies soil and rocks is called an ……………..
a- biologist b- astronaut c- geologist d- pilot
8- Someone who writes for a newspaper is called a ………………..
a- journalist b- novelist c- teacher d-biologist
9- Neil Armstrong …………on the moon in 1968 .
a- walk b- walks c- walked d- walking
10-while he…as a journalist, Dickens was writing magazine stories.
a- works b- working c- is working d-was working
11- My uncle lived in Australia ……………….three years
a- since b- ago c- for d-during
12- I ……………never travelled outside my country
a- has b- have c- am d-was
13- A professional ……….helped Abu-Heif to become a famous swimmer
a- trainer b- train c- training d-trains
14- I couldn't run any farther because I was completely ……………………….
a- tired b- exhausting c- tiring d-exhausted
15- The Old Man and the sea is shorter ………………A farewell to Arms
a- than b- as c- that d-to
16- To many people , The old man and the sea is Hemingway's ….novel
a- good b- best c- better d- well
17- some people think that Dickens is the……..important English novelist
a- most b- more c- very d- much
18- Mr and Mrs Mohammed are ……………………and wife .
a-son b- father c- brother d- husband
19- Our ……………fill with air when we breathe.
a-ears b- eyes c- lungs d- hands
20-It took the taxi two hours to reach the station because of the ……..jam.
a-car b- traffic c- vehicle d- accident
21- If my watch …………..been right , I wouldn't have been late .
a-has b- had c- hasn't d- hadn't
22- you have an important test at school next week , you should……… revising now .
a-start b- starting c- started d- to start
23- My grandfather has promised …………..smoking next week
a-stop b- stopping c- stopped d- to stop
24- Can I ………. . a suggestion ? why don't we go shopping tomorrow ?
a-make b- get c- do d- play
25- Have you heard ? there's a new ……………. of bird flu in China
a-breakout b- infection c- outbreak d- disease
26- If we hadn't gone to Spain ,we ………..have met Jorge and his family
a-wouldn't b- didn't c- haven't d- can't
27- ……………………. is very important in a hospital .
a-clean b- cleanliness c- cleaned d- cleans
28- This is an easy question ! the answer is …………….
a-done b- made c- public d- obvious
29- My brother ……………an infection while he was on holiday
a-caught b- did c- found d- picked
30- If you eat too many sweets , you 'll……………..weight .
a-put b- put on c- put away d- put down
31- Charles Dickens ......... in the south of England.
a-bear b -was born c- born d -is born
32- "Dangerous" is the opposite of......... .
a-sad b- serious c- scared d- safe
33 -The smallest parts of animals and plants are called ......... .
a-hearts b- cells c- brains d- pieces
34- If you do exercise regularly, you won't......... weight.
a-put off b- put away c -put on d- put down
35- You should avoid ......... friends with such bad people.
a-to make b- make c- making d- to making

36- If my pen friend ......... from Italy, I'll show him around Cairo.
a- come b- comes c -is coming d- came
37 -They left for Rome after they ......... some business in London.
a -do b -had done c- would do d- were doing
38- An ......... is someone with special skills or knowledge of a subject.
a- accountant b- electrician c- expert d- academic
39- ......... Dickens was twelve, he went to work in an office.
a -While b-When c- During d -As
40- Thieves and other criminals are usually punished by being sent to....
a -prison b-a gang c- a workhouse d- a hospital
41- Salma ......... in Tanta since 2004.
a -lives b-lived c -is living d-has lived
42- Mona is ......... than Noha.
a -as clever b- cleverer c- the cleverest d -the more clever
43- He has worked in this school......... more than twenty years.
a -since b- in c -for d- at
44- If you want to learn a skill, you can become ......... and learn from your skilled employer.
a -a hero b -a trainer c- an assistant d- an apprentice
45- Big cities are often crowded and have air......... .
a-environment b -condensation c- traffic d- pollution
46-In 1953, Abu-Heif was the first to cross the English Channel in 13 hours and 45 minutes.He......... the record.
a - cut b -broke c- hit d- did
47- Athletes must work with a good ......... to perform well.
a- training b- train c- trainer d- trainee
48- Today, car engines burn petrol more ......... than in the past.
a- successfully b- efficiently c- quickly d- carefully
49-If I ......... enough money, I'd buy a second-hand car.
a- have b -will have c- would have d -had
50- The manager decided ......... the reports before he left the office.
a-read b- reading c -reads d- to read
51- You should ......... water before you drink it.
a- boiling b- to boil c -boil d- boils

52- An important rule of personal.........is to wash your hands before eating.
a- sanitation b -hygiene c- infection d- germs
53- If they ......... more careful, they wouldn't have had that bad accident.
a- had been b- has been c -were d- are
54- Ahmed hopes ......... a job next summer.
a -finding b -to find c- finds d- find
55- "Disease" means a/an ......... or serious medical condition.
a -cure b- suffering c -illness d -examination
56- My sister is a new doctor. She has just......... from the Faculty of Medicine.
a- studied b -joined c- finished d- graduated
57- Noha was ......... after she cleaned the house all day. She slept for 12 hours after that.
a -absolutely exhausted b-absolutely tired
c-very exhausted d-not tired

السؤال الرابع فى ورقة الامتحان القواعد ( (Correct&Rewrite

4)- Correct the underlined mistakes in the following paragraph:(4 Marks)
1) I'd like to tell you about my best friend Hind. I’ve know him all my life. We used to play together. When we was very young, we go to the same school and spending most of our free time together. If I have a problem of any kind, he always help me.

2-Pete is British but he left England when he was a young man. He lived in Australia since 1989. He and his wife, Christine, has two children. Their daughter has been at university since three years, so she will finish in one more year. Their son studying now to be a pilot.

3-Naguib Mahfouz was born in Cairo in 1911. He was youngest child in his family. He said he has a happy childhood. He was greatly interested with reading the works of great authors. His writings reveal the social conditions in Egypt who he lived.

4.Rewrite using the word(s) in brackets, to give the same meaning: (4 Marks)
1- He won a prize when he was ten. (age)
2-The Nobel prize for chemistry went to Dr. Zewail (won)
3-Heba doesn’t sleep in the afternoon. (never)
4-Her habit is watching Tv in the evening. (usually)
5-I visit my grand parents from time to time. (occasionally)
6-He was in the habit of playing golf. (used to)
7-When I was in Alex, I always swam in the morning. (used to)
8-When did you arrive in paris? (How long)
9-Mothers take care of their children. (look)
10-She took two aspirins, then she felt better. (After)
11-I read the book, then I went to sleep. (before)
12-My brother ate fish, then he fell ill. (until)
13-When I got to the bus stop, the bus had left. (By the time)
14-I finished my work then I went to the cinema. (As soon as)
15-After he had cleaned his room, he went for a picnic. (didn’t)
16-During my stay in Alex, I used to swim for 3 hours. ( While)
17-He saw Big Ben while he was visiting London (During)
18-Unless you worked hard, you wouldn’t pass the test. (If)
19-Without his apology, I wouldn’t forgive him. (If)
20-He doesn’t take any exercise, so he is fat. (If)
21-You should tell your father the truth. (If)
22-You mustn’t drive carelessly or you will have an accident. (If)
23-He doesn’t have a camera, so he can’t take that photo. (If)
24-I have known him for 7 years. (since)
25-I have taught in this school since 1995. (ago)
26-I last played football when I was on holiday. (since)
27- I haven’t met him for a month. ( last)
28-I haven’t studied English for 2 days. (since)
29-He has just arrived at the party. (ago)
30-He is a fast swimmer. (swims)
31-He is a very good singer. (well)
32-He is an efficient worker. (efficiently)
33-Adel runs fast. (runner)
34-The Nile is the longest river in the world. (longer)
35-She is the youngest girl in our family. (younger)
36-Cairo is hotter than London. (hot)
37-This is the most exciting match I’ve ever seen. (never)
38-He is the most careful driver in the company. (No driver)
39-Russia is colder than England. (as hot)
40-In the future, there will be no oil in the world. (run out)
41-Car fumes badly affect our health. (effect)
42-We’ve decided to move to anew flat. (going)
43-Are you going to watch the match at the stadium? (intend)
44-We decided to hold a meeting next Monday. (holding)
45-It’s a good idea if you take a holiday. (better)
46-I advise you to see a doctor. (should)
47-You should help your brother. (If)
48-You mustn’t park you car here. (forbidden)
49-You mustn’t smoke in this room . (allowed)
50-It is necessary to pass your exam in a short time. (must)
51- You aren’t allowed to speak in the library. (must)
52-You mustn’t climb trees. (necessary)
53-It’s a good idea to sleep early. (ought)
54-I didn’t see the signal, so I didn’t stop. (If)
55-He was tired so he didn’t go to work. (If)
56-I didn’t have your number, so I didn’t phone you. (If)
57-Could you switch on the fan? (mind)
58-She said that she didn’t take my wallet. (deny)
59-The thief said that he had stolen the money. (admit)
60-I no longer borrow book from the library. (stop)
61-They said that they wouldn’t help us. (refuse)
62-Are you sorry for doing your homework? (regret)
63 – I finished my homework and then I watched a DVD. (After)
64-I was so extremely tired that I slept for twelve hours. (exhausted )
65- Leila can't find her school bag. (lost)
66- There isn't a longer river in the world than the Nile. (longest)
67- My alarm clock stopped, so I didn't wake up at 6 o'clock. (If)
68- France lost to Italy in the final of the football competition. ( beat)
69- We've met before, but I can't remember your name. (although)
70- My uncle owns a very famous bookshop. (owner)
71- No one in the family is older than Maha. (oldest)

السؤال الخامس فى ورقة الامتحان finish
1- Dr Farouk El Baz is one of Egypt's most famous men . He was born in Zagazig and ….(1)…..at Ain Shams university and universities in the United States. He is a space scientist and a ….(2)… He is the director of remote …..(3) ….. Using satellites , he could find…..(4) …. Water in the desert. Dr El Baz also worked ….(5) ……. The Apollo project which…..(6) .…. astronauts on the moon from 1967 to 1973.
1- educated 2- geologist 3- sensing 4- underground 5- on 6- landed

2- Dr EL-Baz who is a space scientist and a ….(1)….. is the Director of …..(2) ……sensing at Boston university in the USA. He is the world's greatest …..(3) …. in romote sensing. The use of satellites to find …..(4) …. under deserts. Underground water was found in the western Desert and in Sinai. Thanks to the ...(5)……which he took from …..(6)...

1- geologist 2-remote 3- expert 4- water 5- photographs 6- satellites
3 - Nile Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon
He ….(1)…on the surface of the of the moon. Armstrong and his colleague , Buzz Aldrin , stayed on the moon ..(2) … nearly 90 minutes the first day. The next day they …..(3) …. a lot of photographs . A third ….(4) …, Michel Collins,waited for them in their spaceship, Columbia,which went around the ..(5) … until they were ready to ....(6)...to the earth.

1- landed 2- for 3-took 4- astronaut 5- moon 6- return

4 - Nabawiya Musa was one of the most famous Egyptian women . She was the first Egyptian woman to go to….(1)….school .She helped other women to…(2) …in education .She wrote a very famous…..(3) …. In 1908 . It was about girls'…..(4) …She also became the ..(5) ……. of Almohammadia school for…...(6) ..….
1- high 2- succeed 3- book 4- education 5- headmistress 6- girls

5- Dr Zewail was born in 1946 in Egypt where he grew…(1)….He became a professor at the California Institute of Technology . Zewail …..(2) …the femto second ..(3) …… is one one millionth of one billionth of a scenod .In 1999 ,Dr Zewail …..(4) …The Nobel Prize for chemistry.
Now Zewail's discoveries help scientists to..(5) ……new medicines. Dr.Zewail received the Medal of Honour in a big …...(6) ..….
1- up 2- discovered 3- which 4- won 5- make 6- cermoney
6- Oliver Twist grew ..(1) ….. in a workhouse because his mother….(2) …when he was born. Life for the young boy was …..(3) …..when he asked for more …(4) …, he was punished. So Oliver ran away to London. There he met a boy who was in a ….(5) …..of thieves .The old man ,Fagin , had taught the children ….(5) ….. to be thieves.
1- up 2- died 3-hard 4- food 5- gang 6- how

7- Dickens is an English novelists . He was born in nineteenth…(1) … His father went to…..(2)…because he had got into ..(3)…Dickens had to work in a factory. He saw how hard …(4)…was for poor people. He went to London to ….(4) ….money .He worked ..(5)….an office clerk and after that he was also ….(6) ….writing magazine stories about life in London.
1- century 2- prision 3- debt 4- earn 5- as 6- started
8- The brain is the most important organ of the body. It controls our five….(1) ……The senses…..(2) …..information to the brain .The brain…..(3)…this information .Then' it sends…..(4) ….. back to the senses . The brain also…..(5) …….the heart , breathing and digestion …..(6) ……the brain no sense can do its function .
1- senses 2- send 3- analyses 4- messages 5- controls 6- without

9- You have got something that is more complex than the most..(1)… computer. With it you can see and…(2)…flowers, remember holidays and ….(3)…pain. This thing is in your head and…(4)…a kilo,is your brain.It has about a hundred billion…(5)…and..(6)…every thing you do .
1- powerful 2- smell 3- feel 4- weighs 5- cells 6- controls
10- Everyone knows Hossam Hassan. He is one of the best Egyptian football…..(1)….of all time.He has scored more …..(2)….. than any players . Hossam was ….(3)…..in Cairo in 1966. He started playing for AL- Ahly, but he has played for other famous…..(4) …He has played in Switzerland , Greece and other ….(5) ….Hossam's brother also played over 100 …..(6)……for the Egyptian national team, but is now retired.
1- players 2- goals 3- born 4- teams 5- countries 6- matches

11- Abu- Heif was one of the best athletes ever. He…(1) …born in 1929 in Alexandria. His father was a primary school teacher.He spent a lot of time….(2)…..in the sea. At the age of ten he …..(3)...the Egyptian primary school swimming championship. He….(4)... the record for crossing the English Channel by crossing in 13 and 45 minutes.He…(5)...when he was 46. He was named the….(5)...of the Nile .
1- was 2- swimming 3- won 4- broke 5- retired 6- crocodile

12- Ernest Hemingway was a very …….(1)……American writer. He was …..(2)…..in Chicago in 1899. His father was ..….(3)..….and his mother was a music ...(4)…The old man and the sea is really .....(5) ….. than any of his stories . People see that is is his most …..(6) ….. story.
1- talented 2- born 3- doctor 4- teacher 5- shorter 6- successful

13- Santiago was an old fisherman. He had not …..(1)…..a fish for nearly three months . He has an……(2)……called Manolin . Manolin's parents advised him to work with a more …….(3) …..man . Santiago decided to …..(4) …fishing alone . He could catch a huge fish but it was so …..(5) ……that he couldn't bring it to his boat . The sharks ate the Marlin and only its ……..(6) ……remained .

1- caught 2- apprentice 3- successful 4- go 5- big 6-skeleton

14 - One day, there will be no oil left. Everyone …..(1) …that, but more and more ….(2) …are traveling by planes. This is because …..(3) …..travel is cheaper than ever before. It is sometimes cheaper to…..(4) ……to another country than to travel a hundred kilometres on a train. As well as using fuel, planes produce air …….(5) …We can't stop air travel, but we should ……(6) ……carefully before we decide to fly.

1- knows 2- passengers 3- air 4- fly 5- pollution 6- think

15- Pollution is man's problem. The…..(1) ….. gases from cars and other …..(2) …have their bad effect on us. They can cause…..(3)….. to our health . In the future there …..(4)….. be any more oil to …..(5) … cars . We should think of finding a …..(6) ….. to it .

1- exhaust 2- vechiles 3- damage 4- won't 5- run 6- replacement
16- Fredrick was an American young man.He went to …..(1) …….. During the first world war . He wanted to help the Italian…..(2) …… There he was badly wounded in the…….(3) ……. He was sent to a special ……..(4) …… in Milan . An English……..(5)…… looked after him . They became friendly and ……..(6) …….. after they left Italy .

1- Europe 2- soldiers 3- war 4- hospital 5- nurse 6-married

17- You should be careful about the food you eat . Make ….(1) …. that flies and other….(2) ….don't land on your food . If they land on it , they may…..(3)…their….(4) …on to you . You mustn't leave
….(5)…of food or dirty dishes lying around because will….(6) …flies .
1- sure 2- insects 3- pass 4- germs 5- pieces 6-attract

18- There are some rules that you should follow to protect yourself from diseases. …..(1) …your hands before you eat. You should also ….(2)…more often in hot weather. You shouldn't leave dirty dishes ……(3) …around so that flies don't land on them . …..(4) ……tap water before drinking it. If you follow these…..(5) ……, you won't ….(6) …any disease
1- wash 2-bathe 3- lying 4- boil 5- rules 6- catch
19- William Shakespear is one of the greatest English playwrights. His father was a glove ….(1) …He had to ….(2) …school because his family had …….(3) …problems. He went to London to become an …(4)…he wrote many successful plays . If Shakespeare hadn't found a ….(5)…he would't have become a famous writer . He ….(6)…on April 1616.
1- maker 2- leave 3- financial 4- actor 5- patron 6- died

20-Lear was the king of Britain. He decide, to …….(1) …his country to his three daughtes. Before doing that, he ….(2) ……them a test. He asked them, how ….(3) ……they loved him, the first two daughters ……..(4) ………….their love to him but the third one couldn't. So he not only deprived her of his ……..(5) ………but also ….(6) …her away, and gave his country andwealth to the first two daughter .
1- give 2- set 3- much 4- explained 5- wealth 6- sent
21-Today Cairo has the largest population of any city in Africa, and is the most important city in the Arab……(1)…..for more….(2) ….. a hundred years, Cairo has been an important ……(3) …for tourism. Visitors from all …….(4) ……the world come to see buildings since the time of the ancient …..(5) ……., especially the three ..(6) …….
1- world 2- than 3- place 4- over 5- Egyptians 6- pyramids
22- Tokoyo is the…(1)..of Japan. About seven percent of the …(2).. in Japan live there, so it is very …(3)..It has fast , wide….(4)…These roads are always filled with traffic. It is the ….(5)…. of Japan's emperor,whose…(6)…stands in a beautiful park in the centre of the city
1- capital 2- population 3- overcrowded 4- roads 5- home 6- palace
23- New York is one of the world's most important ……(1)…..centres. The ……(2)….. of Liberty , which is at the enterence of the New York
……(3)….. is a symbol ……(4)….. freedom and welcomes visitors from other countries. New York has more ……(5)….. than any other ……(6)….. in the world .

1- business 2- statue 3- harbour 4- of 5- skyscrapers 6- city
24- If you need to make water safe to drink,this is what to do,Start by ……(1)….a kettle with……(2)…..from the cold tap . Next……(3)…..the water in the kettle until it boils,it should boil for ten ……(4)…..After that , leave the water to ……(5)…..then put it into a jug in the fridge to get it really cold . Finally ,you can……(6)…..the water .
1- filling 2- water 3- heat 4- minutes 5- cool 6- drink

Questions of the Student Book السؤال السابع اسئلة الكتاب المدرسى

السؤال الثامن letter , paragraph and e- mail

 يجب مراعاة القواعد العامة لكتابة موضوع التعبير وهى :-
إترك مسافة فى السطر الأول فقط من الموضوع.
إ بدأ كل جملة بحرف Capital كبير وواضح وضع (.) فى نهاية كل جملة.
ابدأ الموضوع بجملة رئيسية تحتوى فى مجملها على فكرة الموضوع.
إستخدم الزمن الصحيح والمناسب لنوعية الموضوع الذى نكتبه.
تجنب استخدام الجمل المعقدة وعليك استخدام الجمل البسيطة والسهلة فى المعنى.
خصص صفحة كاملة للموضوع فى ورقة الامتحان ويجب أن تترك سطر عند كتابة الموضوع.

تعبيرات هامة لموضوع التعبير

we should… ينبغى أن....
double production نضاعف الإنتاج
to achieve prosperity and welfare لنحقق الرخاء والرفاهية
to overcome ( solve) our problems لـــــ نتغلب على مشاكلنا
to lead a peaceful quiet life لــــــ نحيا حياة مسالمة هادئة
take part in = participate in = share in نشارك فى
play an important part in يلعب دوراً فى
devote ( him self) to… يكرس حياته لـ ..
spare no effort لا يدخر وسعاً
do (his) best يبذل قصارى جهده
for the sake of our country لصالح بلدنا
cooperate together لنتعاون معاً
a revolution of information resources ثورة فى مصادر المعرفة
modern technology التكنولوجيا الحديثة
great projects مشروعات ضخمة (عظيمة)
in the field of education فى مجال التعليم
press plays an important role تلعب الصحافة دوراً هاماً
the welfare and happiness of man رفاهية وسعادة الإنسان
great achievements إنجازات عظيمة
aim at يهدف إلى
supply with = provide with يزود بـ
raise the standard of living يرفع مستوى المعيشة
decrease the consumption تخفيض( تقليل ) الإستهلاك
increase the national income زيادة الدخل القومى

نماذج هامة ومتوقعة
1- The person I admire most 2-Friends
3-Mobile phones 4-Water
5-Health 6-The problem of over - population
7-Computers 8-Technology in our life
9-Schools in the Future 10-Sports
11-The television 12- spare time"
13-Preventing pollution 14-Reading For All
15-Bird Flu 16-English and The Internet

نموذج على الخطاب
write a letter to your friend Yousef inviting him to spend the weekend at your home.Your name is Ahmed.You live at 15 el sadat street, Cairo.

1- I never forget a face لاانسى وجه
1-What was strange (peculiar/ remarkable) about the narrator?
ما الشيء الغريب / المميز في راوي القصة؟
He never forgot a face or remembered a name.
لا ينسى وجه ولا يتذكر اسم.
2-Why did the writer's wife think he ought to be a reporter?
لماذا اعتقدت زوجة الكاتب أنه يجب أن يكون صحفي؟
 He could wait at cinemas to look for all the famous people who go tosee films. يمكن أن ينتظر أمام السينما للبحث عن المشاهير الذين يذهبون لرؤية الأفلام
3-Why did the writer think that he couldn’t do well as a reporter?
لماذا اعتقد الكاتب أنه لا يمكن أن يكون صحفيا؟
Because he couldn’t remember names. أنه لا يستطيع تذكر الأسماء
4-What was the wife's complaint concerning neighbours?
ما شكوى الزوجة بخصوص جيرانه؟
 He could not remember his neighbours names.
أنه لا يستطيع تذكر أسماء جيرانه.
5-How did the writer overcome his trouble with names?
كيف تغلب الكاتب على مشكلته مع الأسماء؟
He used a little skill and he didn’t let a man see that he couldn’t remember his name.
استخدم القليل من المهارات ولم يترك شخص يرى أنه لا يستطيع تذكر اسمه.
6-How did his memory for faces help him in business?
كيف ساعدته ذاكرته للوجوه في العمل؟
 He approached man and reminded him of the place of the meeting and within five minutes they were talking about business.
يقترب من الشخص ويذكره بمكان مقابلتهم وخلال خمس دقائق يبدءوا في التحدث عن العمل
7-The writer's trouble with name's put him in difficulties from time to time discuss? مشكلة الكاتب مع الأسماء وضعته في صعوبات من وقت لآخر؟
 He lost good business because he couldn’t remember names.
فقد الكثير من العمل لأنه لا يستطيع تذكر الأسماء.
8-Why does the writer like living in Bard field?
لماذا كان الكاتب يحب المعيشة في "بارد فيلد"؟
Because there is a lot of country there and he liked people. It was a mile from the station
لأنه كان يوجد الكثير من مظاهر الريف ولأنه كان يحب الناس.كانت علي بعد ميل من المحطه.
9-Why did the writer think that the stranger was from Bard field?
لماذا اعتقد الكاتب أن الغريب من "بارد فيلد"؟
 Because the man's face was connected with Bard field.
لأنه وجهه كان مرتبط بمدينة "بارد فيلد"

10- Why didn’t the writer know any thing about the stranger?
لماذا لم يعرف الكاتب أي شيء عن الغريب؟
Because the man didn’t say any thing about himself and his work.
لأنه لم يقل شيء عن نفسه أو عمله.
11-How did some villagers treat the new comers to the village?
كيف عامل بعض القرويين الوافدين الجدد؟
 They were unfriendly towards them. كانواغير ودودين نحوهم.
12-Why did the writer boast a bit of business he had done?
لماذا تفاخر الكاتب بعمل قام به؟
To make the man talk. ليجعل الرجل يتكلم.
13-What made the writer doubt that the stranger didn’t have a car?
لماذا شك الكاتب أن الغريب يمكن أن يمتلك سيارة؟
Because he lived in a cheap house so he couldn't own a car.
لأنه عاش في منزل بسيط ولا يمكن أن يمتلك سيارة.
14-How do you know that the writer was kind-hearted?
كيف تعرف أن الكاتب كان طيب القلب؟
He offered to give a lift to the man as it was raining and the weather was bad. عرض أن يقوم بتوصيل الرجل لأن الدنيا كانت ممطرة والطقس سيء
15-What did the writer offer the stranger? ماذا عرض الكاتب على الغريب
 He offered to give him a lift. عرض عليه أن يقوم بتوصيله
16-How was the weather? كيف كان الطقس؟
 It was raining and the wind was blowing. كان ا جو ممطرا والرياح تهب
17-Why was the writer surprised when the man asked to go out of the car? لماذا كان الكاتب مندهشا عندما طلب منه الرجل أن ينزل من السيارة
 Because there wasn’t a house in the area and it was raining.
لأنه لم يكن هناك منازل في المنطقة وكان الجو ممطرا.
18-What did the stranger say when they were halfway across the country? ماذا قال الغريب عندما كانوا في منتصف الطريق عبر الريف ؟
 He asked the writer to let him get out. طلب منه أن ينزل
19- What happened to the writer after he slowed down the car?
ماذا حدث للكاتب عندما أبطأ السيارة؟
 He hit the writer on his head. He stole the money, umbrella, gold watch, and the car. ضرب الكاتب على رأسه وسرق شمسيته وساعته الذهبية وأمواله وسيارته.
20-Where was the writer when he came to himself?
أين كان الكاتب عندما استعاد وعينه؟
 He was lying in a ditch. كان ملقى في خندق (مصرف مياه) .
21-Why did the writer go to the police station? لماذا ذهب لمركز الشرطة
 To report that someone had stolen his money, umbrella, gold watch, and the car.
22-What surprise did he find out when he went to the police station? ما المفاجأة التي اكتشفها عندما ذهب إلى مركز الشرطة؟
 He saw the man's picture on the wall. رأى صور الرجل على الحائط
23-What was written under the picture? ماذا كان مكتوبا تحت الصورة؟
 Wanted for robbery with violence and attempted murder.
مطلوب للسرقة المصحوبة بالعنف والشروع في القتل.

1-.  I can pass a fellow in the street one day and recognize him again months after."
1- Who is the speaker ? Who ishe speaking to ?
The writer is speaking to the reader.
2- What was the speaker's job ?
He was a businessman .
3- What was peculiar about the speaker ?
He never forgot a face.
2-" My wife says that! ought to be a reporter for the newspapers .
1- What made the writer's wife say so ?
Because he never forgot a face .
2-What did she think he could do ?
He could wait about at first night at cinemas, looking for all the famous people who go to see the films.
3 - Why wouldn't he do well as a reporter ?
Because he wouldn't be able to remember the names of those famous people..
3-. " I can always connect a face with a place."
1-Who was the speaker ? The writer.
2-How could he do this ?
He could tell a person where they met before.
3- How did this help the speaker ?
This helped him a lot in making business with people.
4-. " My memory for faces helps me a lot in business ."
1-How did the writer use his memory for faces to help him in his business ?
By approaching people and reminding them of the place which their facesreminded him of. Within five minutes they were talking business.
2-Who was the writer speaking to when he said this ?
He was speaking to the reader.
3-What were the two social activities he mentioned ?
Big dinners and football matches .
5-. " The other fellow wasn't one of the regular travellers ."
1- Who said these words ? About whom ?
The writer said them about the stranger.
2- Where were they ?
They were on the train going to Bardfield.
3- Who did the other fellow turn out to be ?
He turned out to be a criminal wanted for robbery and attempted murder.
6- " His face told me clearly that he was connected with Bardfield ."
1- What annoyed the writer about this face ?
He couldn't remember where he knew that man's face from
2- What did the writer guess ?
He guessed the man was one of the newcomers ?
3- Where actually did the writer see the man's face ?
He saw his picture on the wall at the police station . He was a criminal wanted for robbery and attempted murder.
7- " I can generally find out what a man's work is in ten and a half minutes ."
1- How far did the train usually cover during this period ?
It usually covered the distance from Ellingham to Bardfield.
2- Why did the writer want to find out the man's work ?
So that he may make business with him.
3- Was the writer successful ? Why ?
No he wasn't because the man was unwilling to talk much .
8- " It's only human nature ."
1- Who said these words ?
The writer.
2- Who was he talking to ?
He was talking to the reader.
3- What did he mean ?
He meant that it is human nature for people towant to talk about themselves given the opportunity.
9-. " Wake up, old fellow! We're there "
1- Who said these words ? To whom ?
The writer said these words to the stranger.
2- Where were they ?
They were on the train at Bardfield.
3- Why did the speaker wake him up ?
He didnt want him to be carried on all the way to the next stop thinking he was a Bardfield man.
10-. " Thanks very much . This is very kind of you ."
1- Who said these words ? To whom ?
The stranger on the train said these to the writer.
2- When did the speaker say this ?
When the writer offered to give the stranger a lift to his house.
3- What sort of person was the speaker ?
He was a criminal wanted for robbery and attempted murder.
11- " You can let me get out here."
1- Why was the writer astonished on hearing this ?
Because there wasn't a house within five hundred yards and it was raining and blowing hard.
2- Why did the speaker want to get out there ?
Because he wanted to steal the car and the other things where no people could see him.
3- What did the speaker do to the writer ?
He hit him hard on the head, pulled him out of the car and took it away .
14. " I can half remember being pulled out of the car."
1- Why could the speaker only half remember ?
Because he had been hit really hard on the back of his head.
2- Where did the speaker find himself when he came to his senses again
He found himself lying in the ditch with the rain pouring down on him,
3- Where did he go then ? Why ?
He went straight to the police station to report the theft.
15."Of course, as soon as I got there I remembered who the man was ."
1- What does the underlined word refer to ?
It refers to the police station at Bardfield.
2- Who was that man ?
He was a criminal wanted for robbery with violence and attempted murder.
3- What had this man done to the speaker ?
He hit him on the back of his head and stole his car, new umbrella, gold watch an a hundred and fifty-two pounds.

2- Called to the rescue مطلوب للانقاذ
1- Why did Mr. D- get up in the middle of the night?
 Because he heard a voice ordering him to go down to the ferry.

2-What did the voice order Mr. D- to do??
 The voice ordered him to go down to the ferry.

3-What was Mr. D- ?
 He was a young man from Cambridge University. He was studying during the summer.

4-How long had Mr. D- been studying at Exmouth?
 Since the beginning of the summer.

5-Why did Mr.D-find it impossible to ignoreيتجاهل the second voice?
 Because it was so commanding.

6-Why did he decide to go to the ferry?
 Because sleep was impossible and it was a short walk to the ferry and back.

7-Why was he astonishedمندهش when he heard the boatman's voice calling him?
 Because the boatman couldn't have known that Mr. D- was going to the ferry.

8-Why did Mr. D- go to Exeter?
 Because the word Exeter kept sounding ظلت تتردد in his head.

9-What were Mr.D-'s thoughts and feelings when he first arrived in Exeter?
 All his ideas and feelings had gone and he wandered تجول around aimlessly.

10-Why did he go to the hotel?
 He went to the hotel to have breakfast.

11-Why was the waiter slow in bringing the meal to Mr. D-?
Because the hotel was full of people who came to attend يحضروا the trials in the law courts.

12-How did Mr. D- know about the cases in the law courts?
 The waiter told him about them.

13-Why did Mr. D- decide to go to the courthouse?
 He became interested in the waiter's account وصف of the cases there.

14-Why did the case cause unusual excitement?
 Because the prisoner was accused of a murder he didn't commit.

15-Why couldn't the prisoner prove his innocence براءة ?
 Because there was only one witness who could prove that he was not at the place of the crime when it happened.

16-Why was it certainمن المؤكد that the prisoner would be found guilty مذنب ?
 Because the witnesses الشهود said that they saw him in the place of the crime.

17-What did Mr. D- do to pass the time while he was waiting for his friend?
 He spent some time watching the man who was mending the window and talking to him about his work.

18-How could Mr. D- prove that the prisoner was innocent بريء ?
 He told the court that he had seen the prisoner mending the window at the time of the murder when he went to visit a friend.

19-Why was Mr. D- able to prove the prisoner's innocence?
 He had a notebook in which he had written something when he met the prisoner's at his friend's house. The prisoner lent him
a pencil.

20- Why was the prisoner unable to prove that he was not guilty?
 There was only one gentleman who could prove that he was innocent, but he didn't know who he was or where to look for him.

1- "Yes, I know that he could prove that I am not guilty. There is a special reason that would make him remember me"
1- Who was the speaker?
The speaker was the prisoner.
2- Who was that person that could prove that he was not guilty?
Mr. D-.
3- How could that person prove that the speaker was innocent?
He told the court that he had seen the prisoner mending the window at the time
of the murder when he went to visit a friend.
2- “Well, you've kept me waiting long enough tonight. I think I've waited nearly an hour for you.”
1-Who said these words?
The ferryman.
2- Why was Mr. D- astonished to hear the ferryman's voice calling to him?
He was astonished because the ferryman couldn't have known that
Mr. D- was going to the ferry.
c) What did Mr. D- conclude يستنتج about this?
He concluded that the boatman had heard someone else call to him from a passing boat.
3- "There is one gentleman who could prove that I was there, but I don't know who he is, nor where to look for him.
1- Who says this?
The prisoner says this.
2- Which gentleman is he talking about?
He is talking about Mr. D-.
3- Why does he say this?
Because he knows that Mr. D- can tell the court that at the time of the murder, he was mending a window, therefore وبالتالي proving his innocence.
4- “ Go down to the ferry. The boatman waits”
1-Who said these words? A commanding voice.
2- Why did Mr. D- think it was foolish to go to the ferry at midnight?
He thought it was foolish to obey the orders of an imaginary voice and no boat
would be found.
3- Why did he have to obey the command?
Sleep was impossible. It was only a short walk to the ferry. The voice was commanding.
5- “It is impossible that I could have done this thing, because on the day and at the hour it happened, I was sent for to mend a window at Mr. G-'s house at M-”
1- Who said this?
The prisoner.
2- What was he talking about?
He was telling the court that at the time of the murder, he was somewhere else
في مكان آخر doing a job.
3- Did the man really commit the crime?
No, he didn't. Mr. D- told the court that he had seen the prisoner mending the window at the time of the murder when he went to visit a friend.
6. " It seemed foolish to get up in the middle of the night."
1- Why was it foolish ?
Because this was the order of an imaginary voice .
2- Where was Mr D— ordered to go ?
Mr D- was ordered to go down to the ferry .
3- What made Mr D— obey this strange order ?
Because the second voice was so commanding,
7. " It is impossible that I could have done this thing."
1- What accusation تهمة did the speaker deny ?
He denied an accusation of murder.
2- Was he guilty or not ? Why ?
He was not guilty because at the time of the murder be was mending a window
somewhere else.
3- Where was he at the time of murder ?
He was sent for to mend a window at Mr G—'s house at M—
8. " Yes, I know that he could prove that I am not guilty."
1- Who said these words ? To whom ?
The prisoner accused of murder said this to the court.
2- Who did the speaker mean by" he" ? He meant Mr D- .
3- How could " he " prove the speaker was not guilty ?
Mr D- could prove that at the time of murder the prisoner was away from the scene mending a friend's window.
9-  “There is a special reason that would make him remember me”
1- About whom was the speaker talking?
- Mr D-
2- How could that person prove that the speaker wasn’t guilty?
- He told the judge that he met the carpenter at the house of Mr G- at the same time of the crime, then he gave him the note.
3- What was the special reason that would make the speaker
be remembered?
- The speaker would be remembered as he gave Mr D- his pencil
to write something on his notebook.

السؤال العاشر الترجمة
1- عند الترجمة من الانجليزية إلي العربية , ابحث عن الفعل و أبدأ به الحملة العربية.
2- عند الترجمة من العربية إلي الانجليزية, ابحث عن الفاعل و أبدأ به الجملة الانجليزية.
3- الصفة تسبق الموصوف في الانجليزية و لا تجمع بينما تأتي بعد الموصوف في العربية.
4- الجملة الاسمية في العربية تترجم إلي جملة فعلية في الانجليزية باستخدام (To be).
5- نستخدم (' / 's) للتعبير عن الملكية مع العاقل , أما المالك الغير عاقل نضع (of) بينه وبين المملوك.
* Ahmed’s bag. حقيبة أحمد * The ministry of education وزارة التعليم
6- إن ( للنصب) في بداية الجملة العربية لا تترجم إلي الانجليزية.
7- راعي ربط الجمل مع بعضها عند الترجمة إلي العربية بكلمات مثل(حيث / من ثم / كذلك / هكذا).
8- حاول تخمين الكلمة الصعبة في الجملة من خلال سياق الكلام وتخير اللفظ المناسب للسياق.
9- تجنب الترجمة الحرفية اللفظية للكلمات مما يهدم سياق الجملة.

Arabic اللغة العربية English اللغة الانجليزية
لقد + فعل في الماضي have / has + P.P المضارع التام
قد + فعل مضارع may + infinitive المصدر
كل + اسم مفرد ( فعل يصرف مفرداً) each / every + non اسم مفرد
كل + اسم جمع ( فعل يصرف جمعاً) all + noun اسم جمع
من ( بداية الجملة العربية) It is / It was………….
من + صفة تفضيل على وزن أفعل one of + صفة مقارنة يبن أكثر من اثنين
لابد أن / علي / يجب أن must / have to / has to + المصدر
أن + فعل مضارع to + المصدر / that + جملة كاملة
لم ( النافية) + فعل مضارع didn't + المصدر / haven't / hadn't + P.P
لن ( النافية) + فعل يدل على المستقبل don't / won't + المصدر
يبذل قصارى جهده do / does (ضمير ملكية) best
كلما حدث......., حدث ............ the more…………, the more……..
A-Translate into Arabic:
1- True friendship doesn't know priv

أ / محمد ابراهيم

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة

- مواضيع مماثلة

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:
لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى